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Admissions & Insurance

If you or a loved one is in need of effective and affordable addiction treatment, Rise at Mayberry is your top choice. Contact our caring admissions team to begin your journey to long-term, sustainable recovery.

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We Work with Most Major Insurance

Most major PPO & POS health insurance plans will typically help cover up to 100% of the costs associated with treatment at Rise at Mayberry Ranch. To find out your out-of-network coverage options, get a free insurance verification right now.

What to expect when you contact us

Our Simple Admissions Process

Reach Out

It all starts with communication. Contact our caring treatment specialists via phone call, web form, chat, or text to learn more about your personal options for addiction and dual-diagnosis treatment.
Step 01

We Get to Know You

After you reach out, we take the time to get to know you and your personal situation. We will ask for some details to better guide you to treatment options that work for your personal needs.
Step 02

Prepare for Treatment

Once we determine that Rise at Mayberry is a fit for you, we will help ensure a smooth transition into our facility. From planning travel to coordinating intake, we are with you every step of the way.
Step 03